Make Your Mark: Cast Your Vote Now!
The five week audition period for Disney Channel’s Make Your Mark: Ultimate Dance Off ‘Shake It Up’ Edition came to an end on August 3rd. More than 28,000 videos were submitted online showcasing talented young dancers from all over the United States. And now the real contest begins.
It’s time for Make Your Mark fans to make their voices heard by voting online for their favorite videos as the most liked auditions of the day. Videos with a STAR under them have been chosen as featured videos by a editor, while videos with THUMBS UP have been chosen by fans as the most liked videos of the day. Videos with the STAR and THUMBS UP are the best of the best, as voted by Disney and Make Your Mark fans!
On August 19th, the first two of six semi-finalists will be chosen, followed by two more semi-finalists on August 26th, and the final two on September 2nd. The six finalists will fly to Los Angeles to compete in an epic television event on the Disney Channel, with the grand prize winner appearing as a featured spotlight dancer on an episode of Shake It Up!
The audition videos that were recorded at one of the five city events (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit) are easy to spot as the dancers are performing on a professional Shake It Up stage, complete with flashing lights and a shiny dance floor. The dancers are having such a great time that it made me think, wouldn’t Shake It Up be an excellent addition to the Hollywood Studios Theme Park at the Disney World Resort?
If Make Your Mark were to become a new attraction at Hollywood Studios, it could be a dance competition similar to the American Idol Experience with dancers performing in a series of elimination rounds leading up to a grand finale. Or it could be an interactive, Disney Quest-style attraction utilizing green screen technology so that a dancer’s performance on the stage could be digitally integrated into an episode of Shake It Up. Then Disney could offer the dancer a customized video of their simulated Shake It Up appearance – for a price, of course!
As an aside, I was annoyed by the Make Your Mark website tonight when I was browsing the audition videos and ended up having to sit through a video ad for Best Western. I’ve never seen non-Disney video ads on Disney sites before, and the ad intrusion wasn’t only out of place, it was illogical. The bulk of the Make Your Mark visitors are kids (8-16 years old) who are there to check out their own videos and vote for their favorites. I’d like to think they’re not the ones choosing the hotel chain for their next family vacation.
I vote for AK Squared. They are the best dancers. I am a good dancer too.
Im having trouble deciding against Amir and AKsquared.But I want Disney Channel to have another dance competition.
fabiola you are right
i vote for amir and you guys should vote for him please he is a number1pppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee votefor him a lot 5 timesv a lotpppppppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
jade or zendaya coleman and bella thorne please call me 321-215-3285
i vote for you jade.if you pick AKsquared then who is going to be a spotlight dancer spotilght dance is only one person dancing but jade is cute and she is a talented one so i vote for jade pppppppppppppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeevote for her
jade is good her dance at the second round was good go jade you are a good preson and tell your family you are a great dance you sould be famas and you are a good person no mader what they say you keep danceing you make your mark ok good job every vote for JADE because she know how to dance
i tottaly like why does some people like aksquare i mean jade is awsome wasome awsome awsome awsome awsomw awsome jjjaaadddee gogogogogogogogogogogogogogo jade!!!!!1
i want aksqaered to win so im gonna vote for them and i think they diserve it becouse they bin working really hard
i love Casey and Sam there Al-some. please choose them they were meant to be on shake it up.
ya me to i love jade i dont like amir aksquare nore sam and kasey neathier june and christine and arjang gogogogogogoggoogoggogogogogogogogogogogogoggo go jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddeeeee go jade !1!1!111!111!!!!1!!!!!1!1111111!1111
i would vote for everyone because they did a hard work on make your mark. i am so wacthing make your mark tonight. yaaaaaaaaah
I am so going to watch the results show tonight. Weeeeeeee:-)
Jade is ok but I like ak squared amir areija
bella & zendaya call me at this#3987360
Amir amir amir amir
No question about who the blew the judges mind. Standing ovation of all 3 judges were on CASEY AND SAM, but of course they have to downplay it! I gues disney doesnt allow perfect 30. On their hip hop, the perfect score for difficulty and technique is obviously for Sam, no one can dance hiphop and back flip on heels. DANG! America comeon!
i think that jade should win because she has the heart and soul to do what shes doing and shes not afraid and all u other people that think that jade should not win u all are just sore losers and u don’t care about anybody but your got damn self’s so don’t judge people by the way that they do things oh and don’t vote all u stupid people that think that people that are not that good then DON’T VOTE! ALSO I THINK THHAT JADE IS AN AWSOME DANCER U GO GIRL AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT I LOVE U AS A DANCER I REALLY BELIVE THAT YOU CAN GO REALLY FAR WITH WHAT YOU ARE DOING U GO GIRL ……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
i love zendaya she my biggest fan and bella.let go back to zendaya that much i love her as a idol.
hope u win amir and how do i can vote for u sent me a email
go aksquard and jade yall rock . and zendaya and bella throna you rock i wish i can be on shake it up .i’m a great dancer i didn’t get to dance on make your mark i wish you can see me dance please vote for aksqurd and jade
amir i think i vote for u,i dont vote because u cute i think u have the chance of winningit. so good luck and i be watching shake it up tomorrow around 7:59
I vote for all of them except for Jade she wasn’t as good as the others she needed to work on her moves if she wanted to win.
I think Jade should win because shes an awesome dancer and i like her moves 😀
Jade should win ajar you suck jade watch out I love you I’m going to still you and raise you like my own child and say your my kid by love you$
Samantha I sooooooooo hope you wiil win
ak squared I Soooooooooooooooo hope You,ll win please pick ak squared Rosara,Selena and Sean please
Jade My vote is for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jadee! I vote for you, you are awesome i cant wait to see YOU win! Selena Gomez, Sean Kingston, and the last judge pick Jade please!
casey and sam please win.
please win casey and sam
AKsquared you are awesome.If you don’t win I am never watching TV EVER, EVER, EVER AGAIN!!!
I love to dance too.
go casey and sam.
casey and sam win.
i love you casey and sam. arjang,aksquared,jade,christine and june,and amir stinks.Casey and sam is going to win.nobody else ya jerks.wish you the best luck of not blame me if you lose cause i am voting for you.remember you have the best luck of you.i am going to tell my whole family to vote 5 times whole family is counting on you guys.please god do this for me,sam,and casey.i am begging you god.please,you are the only 1 to stop people from voting for stupid jade.i will never ask you for anything else except on my not let us down.good wishes.
I would vote 4 jade,amir, arjang, casey & sam and ak squared but mostly jade, amir, casey & sam and arjang! I LUV selena gomez zendaya coleman and bella thorne because they have all the careers in their life that I want 2 be! But my finalist Im going 2 pick is JADE!!! 🙂
i luv jade,admir,ak square
i luv jade she is like one of the coolest kid over i luv her she should be a famous person
i love jade mendez so much get me famous i love you bella thorn and zendaya so much…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………….. ………………………………………………please cal me at this number bella and zendaya. 7590011
i think it should be jade she good
i think jade should win she is umazing
I just know that u are gonna win
i vote for ak square
Jade u were rocking those dance moves.U are so lucky to meet Janet Jackson