Make Your Mark: Cast Your Vote Now!

Make Your Mark: Cast Your Vote Now!

The five week audition period for Disney Channel’s Make Your Mark: Ultimate Dance Off ‘Shake It Up’ Edition came to an end on August 3rd. More than 28,000 videos were submitted online showcasing talented young dancers from all over the United States. And now the real contest begins.

Screenshot from the Make Your Mark: Ultimate Dance Off website, image copyright Disney

It’s time for Make Your Mark fans to make their voices heard by voting online for their favorite videos as the most liked auditions of the day. Videos with a STAR under them have been chosen as featured videos by a editor, while videos with THUMBS UP have been chosen by fans as the most liked videos of the day. Videos with the STAR and THUMBS UP are the best of the best, as voted by Disney and Make Your Mark fans!

On August 19th, the first two of six semi-finalists will be chosen, followed by two more semi-finalists on August 26th, and the final two on September 2nd. The six finalists will fly to Los Angeles to compete in an epic television event on the Disney Channel, with the grand prize winner appearing as a featured spotlight dancer on an episode of Shake It Up!

Screenshot from the Make Your Mark: Ultimate Dance Off website, image copyright Disney

The audition videos that were recorded at one of the five city events (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit) are easy to spot as the dancers are performing on a professional Shake It Up stage, complete with flashing lights and a shiny dance floor. The dancers are having such a great time that it made me think, wouldn’t Shake It Up be an excellent addition to the Hollywood Studios Theme Park at the Disney World Resort?

If Make Your Mark were to become a new attraction at Hollywood Studios, it could be a dance competition similar to the American Idol Experience with dancers performing in a series of elimination rounds leading up to a grand finale. Or it could be an interactive, Disney Quest-style attraction utilizing green screen technology so that a dancer’s performance on the stage could be digitally integrated into an episode of Shake It Up. Then Disney could offer the dancer a customized video of their simulated Shake It Up appearance – for a price, of course!

Screenshot from the Make Your Mark: Ultimate Dance Off website, image copyright Disney

As an aside, I was annoyed by the Make Your Mark website tonight when I was browsing the audition videos and ended up having to sit through a video ad for Best Western. I’ve never seen non-Disney video ads on Disney sites before, and the ad intrusion wasn’t only out of place, it was illogical. The bulk of the Make Your Mark visitors are kids (8-16 years old) who are there to check out their own videos and vote for their favorites. I’d like to think they’re not the ones choosing the hotel chain for their next family vacation.

August 13, 2011 - Disney Channel, Latest News, Online - Read More

3,222 Responses to “Make Your Mark: Cast Your Vote Now!”

  1. Maria Ortega says:

    hello guys, I hope I win because sinse i was a little girl i always wanted to be on shake it up and when i upload my video please tell me where I need to go to get a cheoragrepher to start practicing my moves please tell me cause i gotta win to be on shake it up it,s my dream of all time thank you.

    maria ortega

  2. cristinna says:

    oh ya for reals i need help doing this

  3. Kayla says:

    Go Chachi and Lauren you’re so gonna win!!!!!

  4. Summer says:

    GOOOOOOOO KENZIE CANT WAIT 4 YOU 2 WIN!!!!!?!?!??!!lots of love<3

  5. ronjenae says:

    i hope i win im a very good dancer and singer but my chances are low of winning

  6. ronjenae says:

    i cant wait i want to enter and so excited

  7. Bree says:

    and sophie+alexandera u r

  8. Bree says:

    im soo xcited i cant wait

  9. katherine says:

    Back from the break now I want to make my mark on Shake It Up

  10. katherine says:

    I WANT TO WIN SO BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need a break and a bowl of grapes, okay whatever

  11. Sophia + Alexandra says:

    We think bella and zendaya should come to the winners house but first call their

  12. justin bieber says:

    joken its some girl

  13. justin bieber says:

    love u guys bye i love my fans

  14. justin bieber says:

    hey its justin and it really rocks dacing on make your mark

  15. Lucy says:

    i am such a pro break dancer

  16. daija says:

    me and my frend did it but my friend has stage fright

  17. niah says:

    LETS MAKE YOUR MARK I AUDITIONED YAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. isabella says:

    i cant wait is the auditions on right now

  19. beyonce says:


  20. JORDAN says:

    Hey um anyone,
    look I have the same question my friends from Virginia are coming to visit me in Lousiana and they should be here in 5 min. please if someone is out there please help me I only get to see them once every 2 years

    Jordan E.W.

  21. elaniboo says:

    I hope I win but take thins very good.

  22. cristinna says:

    hi this is my brother

    hi cristinnas friends

  23. cristinna says:

    help me i think im going nuts to win

  24. cristinna says:

    aswome me too

  25. abby says:

    hey I’m going to win make your mark !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aksquare was good but I’m going to be AWESOME

  26. angel says:

    my real name is cristinna

  27. cristinna says:

    hi isabella

  28. cristinna says:

    why wont no body get on

  29. cristinna says:

    will i win

  30. cristinna says:

    aksquare was gud last year too!!!!!!

  31. cristinna says:

    tottaly i want to win to but my godbrothers computer dont even work and im not shure but i an such a good dancer and gud luck to evry body thats trying out i hope yu guys win and i didnt even try out last year ether now i know i am this year so gud luck to people who try out and to me

  32. Isabella says:

    I love the dancers. I love the showS but I like. Rocky most of all

  33. leigh ann says:

    i realyy realy want to win so badly put lets see who will win

  34. laila says:

    i love you rocky and cece love laila and don’t get mad i speled your name

  35. monica says:

    i agree with tabbitha!

  36. Haley says:

    I’m so excited(:

  37. ashleigh says:

    last year AKsquared won but now somebody will hope somebody will win

  38. ashleigh says:

    i dance good but i hope everybody will do good be yourself
    and don’t give up i know everything will be great i will post
    great comments!

  39. mrs.mellark says:

    how do i watch the vids

  40. makayla says:

    hope fully i will winn the mym

  41. lizbet says:

    how do i sighn up cuz i want to join

  42. Alexis says:

    wait… i can still send in an audition video?

  43. ashlyn says:

    hey i did not sign up last year but this year i am in

  44. @ngel169945 says:

    hey tabbitha a.k.a tabb in order to do that you have to go to your mark 2012 I LOVE GRAPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  45. Emily says:

    So how do u sign up I need to know like now!!

  46. Emily says:

    So how do u even sighing up I need the web site like now!!!!

  47. tobe says:

    i was going to try out but i was to late but I’m trying out this year and i hope i win.

  48. adrianna says:

    i loved the compishion last year but i dint win if you saw my vioedo i was adrianna from NM 7 years old

  49. bizzo's says:

    hey dancers! write me back on how i upload my teams video! we gotta win!!!!!!!!

    the bizzo’s

  50. tabbitha a.k.a tabb says:

    hey can anybody tell me what link do i go to,ti upload my shake it up make your mark video at plzzz????? i really need to know like……..NOW