Rapunzel is Disney’s Newest Princess

Ever since the perky, doe-eyed Rapunzel flounced onto theater screens in Tangled (2010), no one doubted that the royal beauty was a bona fide Disney Princess. But it wasn’t until October 2nd, 2011 that Rapunzel officially joined the ranks as the tenth “Disney Princess” during a beautiful coronation ceremony at Kensington Palace in London, England.

Screenshot of Rapunzel, the 10th Disney Princess, video copyright InsidetheMagic.net
Surrounded by the exquisite Kensington Gardens, Kensington Palace is the official residence of many British Royals, including the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (Prince William and Princess Kate) who married in a lavish fairytale wedding this past April. No one would deny that Kensington Palace is quite the proper place for a Disney Princess to be crowned, and the other nine Disney Princesses (Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, and Tiana) were in attendance for this first-ever grand coronation event.